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Solar PV
Installing Solar PV since 2008, we are award-winning leaders in the Planning, Design, and Installation of Solar PV systems.
Our clients range from homeowners to large companies, and everything in between. So whether you are domestic, comercial or agricultural, we can design and install a system that will go beyond your expectations.
Our trained electrical engineers have a vast experience in ensuring that your Solar PV system will be one that you are not just happy with but actually proud of.
If you would like a free, no obligation comprehensive quote from us contact us HERE and we will be in touch to discuss your requirements.
What is Solar PV?
Solar PV panels generate electricity by converting sunlight. The cells convert the sunlight into electricity, which can be used to run household appliances and lighting, in fact anything electrical, even a plug-in electric car! You do not need direct sunlight to generate the power as the panels will still generate on overcast days.
Benefits of having a Solar PV system:
- Reduced electricity bills. As sunlight is free you will need to take less from the grid reducing your electricity bills.
- Selling your unused electricity. Although the Feed-In-Tariff has now ended, there are suppliers that will purchase your excess electricity under the Smart Energy Guarantee (SEG). We can discuss this with you when we site visit.
- Cutting your carbon footprint. Generating electricity through a Solar PV system does not create any CO2 or other pollutants.A typical system could save over a tonne and a half of CO2 per year, thats 30 tonnes for their expected life.
Solar PV is still a good Investment for your money
- Award winning Efficient Tidy installation
- 7.28% return higher than Annuity (2%), ISA (1.68%) & Premium Bonds (0.14%)
- VAT free
- The more electricity prices rise, the more you save
- The expected lifespan of solar panels is 25 years meaning you save even more in the future and have longer protection to rising electricity costs
- Add value to your property

Types of Solar PV:
On Roof Panel - These are fitted on a mounting kit that sits on top of your roof tiles. This is the most common, and cheapest, way that solar panels are fitted to a property.
In Roof Panels - These are fitted on a mounting that sits upon the rafters. This gives the effect of the panels being part of the roof as they sit level with the surrounding tiles.
Solar Tiles - These are shaped like roof tiles and fit in with the tiles making them hardly noticible.
Extras to help you get more from your system:

Solar Immersion - When you generate more than you are using, this excess can be redirected to your immersion heater providing you with FREE hot water.

Monitoring Systems - You can obtain sophisticated monitoring systems that will show how much electricity your solar system is generating and how much you are using.

Energy Storage - These will take the excess generated by your system and store it for times when you are using more than you are generating.

Voltage Optimisers - These can be used to increase the output of your system in certain circumstances.

Renewable Energy EV Charging Station - If you have a plug-in vehicle and install an EV charging station with your solar system then you could fuel your car for FREE.
Calculate your solar potential

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Extras to help you get more from your solar PV system:

Power Pac Ltd
Unit 17
Atlas Court
Atlas Road
LE67 3FL
Tel: 0800 0699 607
Email: enquiries@powerp.co.uk
Power Pac Ltd, registered in England and Wales at Unit 17, Atlas Court, Atlas Road, Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3FL. Company Registration Number: 6548339. VAT Number: 930121771.

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